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What’s Divine?

POETICbug_What's Divine?

What’s divine?
A conscious belief or
Forced tradition,
May be an eternal argument,
Of HIS existence and beyond,
I know not of the power,
Because I'm touched by the love,
Not in exchange; in exchange of,
Incense sticks, prayers;
Candles, promises;
Or fasts and flowers;
Rather unconditional.
I speak of THEE, to THEE,
like a friendly bond,
Sharing and accusing,
The little nothings and everything,
From finding my lost eraser
to guiding me in my lost path.
And when I see around me,
A world so strangely beautiful,
in its differences and union,
I believe there’s an unknown artist,
Busy in HIS timeless design.

This poem is published in an anthology, HEAVENLY HYMNS by PoiesisOnline.

Image Credits - PoiesisOnline
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


I am no Cinderella

POETICbug_mother's day_Fairy Godmother

One from the pair
of my favourite socks,
Hidden somewhere
in the hallway block,
That lucky pen, dear to me
and a notebook, nowhere to see,
One missing homework
from tomorrow's time-table,
Lurking in the school bag
to attack in class,
All astray, troubled me lot,
Frenzy, my search, a drought.

Those hurtful words
once a friend said,
Some teasing taunts
on me when laid,
Secrets, I got scared off,
Dreams to dare for,
Tangled in my long hair,
Waiting to be knitted away,
Nervous when I stained first,
Doubtful about my teen crush,
All testing times
when I feel low,
Eagerly waiting,
good times to show.

For all my troubles
and rough times,
Her magic wand ready to rhyme,
With mystic stars in the muggle world,
and little bit of her fairy dust,
She solves everything
and clears the dull.

No pumpkin carriage or lost shoe,
But for all my worries, true,
I am no Cinderella, just a daughter,
But my mom, she is my Fairy Godmother.

This poem is featured in My Blogworld - The Poetry Daily May 9, 2015 issue.

This post is submitted to #MYFIRSTEXPERT by Godrej Expert at Indiblogger.

This post is listed in the runners-up for #MyFirstExpert Contest.

Image Credits - Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


We all have shifted home

POETICbug_We all have shifted home

"We all have shifted home at least once, from the womb of our mother onto mother earth." This is a fact we very often do not acknowledge.

Moving out of the safe womb to the big strange world, we cling on to the one known person first, our mother. Just like being born is the new thing for a child, being a first time mother is a new thing for a lady. It is amazing how she, even being new to motherhood, manages to keep her compose and understands her child. She teaches her child the nuances of life while she learns about motherhood.

Just like for all of you out there, I know what is right and wrong because my mother taught me so. It is truth that will eventually help my way, is something she had shown me long ago. Also that a lie that could save an innocent is something I should never deny. When I look myself in the mirror today, I do see the reflection of her virtues in me. And undoubtedly, I feel privileged to be her child.

But often I think, is dedicating a day for her unlimited love, enough?
My letter is in fact this poem, for the amazingly, gorgeous being called, Mother.

In the puzzle of this world,
When you arrive,
Strange is the air, the faces,
But there is someone you know before,
Through that magical cord of life,
That strangely familiar one,
Who holds you tight, with her warmth,
Is the one we all call, mother.

Your broken, meaningless words are when,
She joins them together and finds the trail,
Unaware, when you move around her,
She knits your dreams quietly,
cleans your troubles cautiously,
washes your stain with all her might,
you don't get scarred for life.

Every time you think, you can lie,
Your mother somewhere takes a heavy sigh,
Friendship, love and kindness stories,
She also shares her life’s follies,
For she tries showering it all,
Those good virtues to help you not fall,
To speak what is right, no cover,
Truth is all that, you should always stand for.

She is ~
your friend to have fun,
a confidant when you have none,
your recipe for happiness,
that dedication for success,
your partner for long non-sense talks,
the believer when you feel it’s rough,
your vault of deep secrets,
the detective that catches when you’re fake,
your medication when nothing works,
without you knowing; your luck.

Because she doesn't ask,
doesn't demand nor complains,
You think she can deal with it again,
And sure she can, sure she will,
But if you can,
For her unfathomable ocean of love,
live, laugh, celebrate;
With her, for her.

NB: I am writing a letter about how a mother teaches honesty to her child with the Max Life Insurance i-genius #YoursHonestly activity in association with BlogAdda.

Image Credits -, Blogadda Team
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)

Creative Commons Licence





Like parallel rows of metal teeth of the zipper,
You and me stand alongside in our relation,
Until the time we remain interlocked in love,
We hold our lives together, strong wedlock,
Any moment of weakness, one of us slides,
The zipper is broken for a long, long time.

This poem is submitted to the following challenges-
Creative Commons Licence


Nectar of my life


POETICbug_Nectar of my life

I fight when your shoes stray around,
When that wet towel sleeps on the bed,
Or you forget the important item on the list,
How much irksome these habits may be,
You will always be the nectar of my life,
For when I need you the most you always hold me tight.

This poem is submitted to the following challenges-
#A to Z April Challenge 2015 
#Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2015 
#Write Tribe Pro Blogger Challenge April 2015
#NaPoWriMo April 2015

Image Credits - Google Images

Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


Haiku - Mother

This is my second year in A to Z April Challenge 2014.

After the enriching experience of 2013 I decided to continue yet again. And this time more streamlined. As I was learning to write 'haiku' I thought to make it my theme for this year's challenge.  I learnt haiku with a image is far more captivating and so I will try to combine my haiku with a relevant photo. I am sure with so many experienced poets participating in this challenge I would get the right kind of feedback for my haiku to improve. There could not be a better forum than A to Z April Challenge to get readers and reviewers for your work. I am thankful for this opportunity to the entire team.

Day 13 - Letter M


The shawl in winter
The water, quenching summer
The cover from rain

This is a submission to A to Z April Challenge 2014

Photo Credits - Google Images
Haiku - © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)

Creative Commons Licence


Blank Spaces

Breaking a relation where love exists but hidden is difficult. Every romantic love relationship starts blissfully. As time passes the soaked-in-love partners begin to note the "Blank Spaces". Squabbles turn into banter and then take the shape of feud. Both the involved side generally tend to forget to overlook and forgive the other. All that started with "we" begins to end with "I". And eventually the decision to part is taken. But where love still exists, parting becomes temporary and miraculously works in favour of their relation. They realize that a little forgiveness could bestow on them lifelong love.

So let's begin to mend our ways and fill those blank spaces in our love relationship.


The way it started, I remember,

Those pleasant memories of summer,
But how the cards fell,
I could not know,
The sound of it went unheard,
Amidst the noise that surrounded us,
The creases that were formed,
Bearing the stresses for long,
How the threads moved apart,
And the yarn (un)spun,
Neither you nor I could hold,
Hold back the raging flames,
The burns , the bruises revealed,
How the home turned into a house,
All that love leaking out,
Leaving behind red bricks uncovered,
As "we" got strangled between you and me,
And "I" stood alone,
How silence became our conversation,
Happiness, a far dream,
The same cup of coffee tasted bitter,
For the same you and me,
As intolerance became our tenant,
We walked away our own way,
With lost love, wrecked heart,
Knowing not the tortuous path,
And how it could merge again,
Before this rots and beings to smell,
Let's mend our mistakes,
And fill the blank spaces.

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad [POETICbug]


You, my FRIEND

The story of me,
A bag full of smiles and wee,
Not all could read it through,
Found hard to believe it to be true,
The one that touched the end,
Was you , only you my dear friend.

That reassuring hand to hold,

To cross the bridge over worries old,
And gift of the magic key,
Lock thy past, beckoning future to see,
The one that helped my path to wend,
Was you , only you my dear friend.

A heap of failures to clean,

Crippled confidence and "hope" so mean,
Broken pieces of dreams to gather,
Not to throw, glue them rather,
To soak my tears, a shoulder to lend,
Was you, only you my dear friend.

© Copyright \O~O/ Salvwi Prasad [POETICbug]



Woman, that I love

Watch of your eyes,
Unveiling my concealed worries,
A hold so tight,
Filling the confidence I need,
Woman, you are the mother I love,
O! Sure I do.

Wrangle over the candies less,
Spoiling your painting,
Relentless jabber and complains,
Accomplice of my tree house secrets,
Woman, you are the sister I love,
O! Sure I do.

Warmth of your embrace,
Smell of that fragrance on you,
A smile welcoming home,
Gentle kiss to do,
Woman, you are the wife I love,
O! Sure I do.

Wiggling uneven plaits,
Polka dotted hat and dress,
Riding on me throughout the day,
A sister, wife and mother to be,
Woman, you are the daughter I love,
O! Sure I do.

{ A man's love for the women in her life. }

Day 23- Letter W submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013.

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


Roasted Childhood

Riot of emotions inside a home,
The ladle shouts loud,
And briefcase slaps the floor,
Whom to blame? Who is not wrong?
The moments of love dead,
Crying in the grave alone.

A toddler in the cradle,
The older one behind the curtain,
Laden everyday with raped affection,
Bereaved of a lullaby, parental touch,
Negligence gives them its lap to snuggle.

To gulp the annoyance,
Unlock their horns, atone,
Difficult the reality,
If only the jacket of ego could shed off,
To patch up the family that is torn.

{ The most affected members of family feuds are the kids and their childhood. }

Day 18 - Letter R submission

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICBug]


Old man on the street

One busy road crowded all day,
Rags fallen, riches riding quicker,
A leper hand finds it's way,
While two others bicker.

Sultry surrounding cruelly rules,

Roasting a skeleton self,
Fate acting on him like a ghoul,
Caring father of past, disowned by his own whelp.

Why has he stretched his hands?

Asking money or little care ?
Looks at me with a broken smile and,
Buried eyes filled with despair.

As the colour goes all green,

Air slaps me in its flight,
That old man's sight tearing me within,
As I head home, he befriends the streetlight.


{ The old beggar on the street left alone by his own children. }

Day 15 - Letter O submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


Marriage or Mirage

Money, material, need of mind,
Avarice licks the soul,
A sale at no discounted price,
Meek bride standing at the wedding stall.
Parental care, an investment for future,
Advocates the groom’s mother,
Bending down at his waist,
Dignity of that girl’s father,
A nuptial knot to be tied,
Between greed and plead,
Sealed with religious hymns,
For boarding the voyage,
Is it Marriage or a Mirage?

{ The pious institution of marriage has been cursed in many parts of the world with dowry. The very base of such marriages eventually makes a mirage for the girl's side.}

Day 13 - Letter M submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


Knitted by Kismet

Kismet maneuvered our meet,
Crossing the cross-way when I sprained my feet,
Agonizing pain ran through the nerves,
Not a heart came, a pinch of kindness to serve,
I moved to the sidewalk near,
Suddenly felt your unknown touch to cure,
Barrels of tear soaked my soul,
When you felt my ache without being told,
Your eyes conveyed a thousand words, deep,
Couldn't let you go stray but keep,
Knitted are we two, with the thread of affection,
No human; dear dog you taught me a lesson.

{ This was how one of my friend got a pet dog in a stray one. }

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICBug]


Just when you were born

Just when you were born,
A tiny little gift wrapped in bliss,
Cuddled in my arms,
Crying to the noise around,
Flickering your lids,
To the sunlight bright,
Pouting your lips pink,
Beating your feet in freedom,
Strange faces surround,
So many bonds to know,
A sister, brother, father,
Our lovely neighbour Joe,
But the one that you always knew,
Through the cord within,
Was me. Yes, that’s true,
Making me feel strong, fresh and new.

{ A mother's first song to her kid. }

Day 10 - Letter J submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013.

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


The Moustache I played with


The footprints that supported my infantile steps
The shoulders on which I drove away all crowded mess,
The moustache with which I always played
It pricked you, but you never said,
The arms that made me secure
And helped me face all my fear,
The candies, the colour pencils and bike rides
Everything I got without a fight,
My lawyer in all my squabbles
You guided me out, through all my troubles,
Every tear turned into a smile
When I was cuddled for a little while,
I moved ahead riding on your trust
When you stood by me in all my “firsts”,
In all the losses and win
You patted me with a proud grin,
For my career and romantic decision
I found your “yes” without asking for a reason,
You hid your pain, while mother cried
The day my nuptial knots were tied,
The vision which still guards my future
Several sleepless nights sacrificed for my nurture.

In the quarter of my life when you celebrate your golden jubilee,
Father, I am obliged to be your reflection, so distinctly.

{ This one is nothing but my "thanks" and love to my father, for being "MY FATHER", my protector. }
This post is a part of #Soldierforwomen in association with

Received the "Blade of honour" and certificate for #Soldierforwomen contest.




When things go wrong,
And you ain't so strong,
Remember me as your strength.

When you feel you are chained,
And even happiness gives you pain,
Remember me as your smile.

When times are tough,
And people around you are rough,
Remember me as your solace.

When joyous moments are few,
Forgetting them becomes difficult for you,
Remember me as your friend.

{ Remembrance was a dedication to my office friends whom I met in Chennai. These 3 girls made my initial 2 years of stay in Chennai after training in 2008, simpler and fun-filled. }


Se Terminer


(The END !!!)

Yet another transition,
Again time for a decision,
Few days to mark,
End of the four years track.

A period to innumerable canteen sessions,
Many of those furtive bunking missions,
Cease to incessant revelry in class,
Permanent occupants at the last.

Friends and foes all set to go,
Preparing themselves for the last show,
Leaving behind many ecstatic fests,
Hoping to move ahead with similar zest.

The naughtiest memories to treasure,
Quartet years, nothing but leisure,
Some melting moments reminiscent, some brawls to
And few honest confessions still waiting late.

Obfuscation gripping all,
Aspirations again standing tall,
Halcyon days marching towards an end,
Struggle is all now life can lend.

Collage of an adventurous four years,
Glued with feelings and tears,
A BONDAGE to break never,
Laminated to be preserved forever.

{ Se Terminer is the summary of our four years of graduation life. This was written during my final year of engineering. It culminates the nostalgia of any graduating student into one rhyming piece. }


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All posts of this blog by Salvwi Prasad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License